
I Just Can't Even

I literally don't even know right now. I am so immensely different from what I used to be a year ago. Like if I were to tell Junior year Harper what I'm like now, I would've thought I was crazy. I let go of my dreams of an ivy league school and have settled on a Midwest state school; something I absolutely swore up and down that I would never do. I feel so disconnected from the high school experience right now it's unbelievable. I look at the freshmen this year and can't even fathom that I used to be them such a short time ago. When I read my old posts about my goals and becoming healthy I feel like a pile of lard because I achieved none of them. Why do I fail so often?

But then I think about my success. I feel so proud that I am a different person, even though many people judge me for it. I'm happier than I have ever been and I'm content with my life choices. Sometimes you just feel like you're growing so much as a person in such a short amount of time that it's hard to keep up with it. No matter what, it'll turn out how it is supposed to.

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