
Archive for April 2014

The "S" Word


People always say that they want to get "skinny" for the summer and bikini season. Being "skinny" seems to be the magical key to happiness nowadays and its really getting on my nerves. For one thing, skinniness does not equal healthiness and happiness. Not everyone is built to be a twig. I know that I will never be a size 0 simply because for my body it's not physically possible. Here in California I have felt the most pressure I've ever felt to be skinny because there's such a focus on superficial beauty. I went prom dress shopping at a formal boutique and there were at least 4 racks of size 0 and only 1 rack of my size dresses which are size 8. The girls in there were judging each other like I've never seen before and I couldn't believe how intense the atmosphere was. 

I personally do not value another person's weight and I choose not to put much value in my own weight. Being "skinny" has never been something that I have strived for but recently it seems like, in order to be pretty and be deemed acceptable by guys, I have to shed pound after pound until I'm that perfect "S" word.

No more.

I was at my physical therapist's office the other day and as she was working my spine back into its normal position, we were discussing how women always want to be thinner, and how that thinner = prettier. She brought to my attention, that boys really don't look for a girl who is a twig. When girls choose to become "skinnier", all they are really doing that for is other girls. I'm choosing to apply that concept in my life.

So unless I'm becoming healthier for myself, I will not try to become skinny. Being 5' 3" and 110 pounds won't do anything for me but make me miserable trying to get to that weight. Instead, I will make better choices for myself and be the weight that I am happiest and healthiest at. 

Love Yourself First

We all know the saying "You must love yourself before you can love another" or some version of the same meaning. The trouble comes when you think you love yourself just fine but yet you still don't feel like you can be in love with another person. I don't know what I can do to put myself in the right position to be able to love someone. I was talking to my friend Olivia ( and we said that we should spend time this summer learning to love ourselves which I am excited for. I guess I just don't know where I should focus on this subject. I feel pretty comfortable with myself and I don't know what kinds of steps I'm supposed to take to love myself even more. Maybe I have my motive wrong. I shouldn't want to love myself more because I want to be able to love someone else, I should do it for myself. But isn't it doing it for myself if I want to make myself ready to give love? 

Feel free to tell me what you think on the subject. I'm at a loss as to how to deal with this. 

Looking for Love?

17 and a Hopeless Romantic

I've always been the sort of girl who's always looking for a relationship but nothing has ever fallen into place for me. I've gotten close but circumstances like moving have been in the way. I always tell myself that it'll happen when it's meant to be, but its hard not to become impatient. Sometimes I come to weird revelations as to why I'm single or why right now isn't the time for me to be in love. I often tell my friends that I'm afraid to fall in love, which is true to some extent. I know that as a person, I'm not in a place where I'm content enough with myself and my situation to fall in love.

Weird Californian Ways

I have a hard time with the way that people in California go about dating. I'm a true Midwestern girl where boys and girls text each other, even if they're not romantically involved. Boys and girls are friends and hang out with each other without it being awkward. People like to become really good friends before they date. In California, all of those statements are basically reversed. Boys and girls do not text unless they're dating really. The only friend group in my school that hangs out coed is the popular crowd, and my "middle class" friend group only has the boyfriends of girls in it. The thing that I find to be the worst is that people don't become friends before they date. One of my friends here barely knew the guy before they started officially dating and their first few months were basically spent in the awkward stage of forcing the relationship. 

Deep down, I know that I'm not meant for Californian boys, and that just makes me feel like I'm even further away from finding love. Its frustrating to be put in a situation where you know there's no hope for finding what you're wishing for. 

Why love? Why now?

I know that I'm blessed to have so much love from within my family. I'm so close with my parents and grandparents that in theory I shouldn't have any void to fill by finding this romantic love. For some reason, I feel like love is a part of me that's not completely full.

I know I have the capacity to love someone with my whole heart. I was watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians (what a surprise lol) and it was season 2 where Rob and Adrienne are still together. The way that Adrienne brought out the Rob that was hiding underneath the surface really made me realize that I have so much love to give, I just have to find someone to let me in so that I can give it. Adrienne also said something about how at first, she didn't think that Rob was for her, but after she got to know him, he became the most attractive guy in the world to her. That really stuck a chord with me because I always thought I was weird because the real physical attraction comes after the mental attraction for me.

I know that boys in high school are immature and dumb, but I've only found exceptions to the rule in the Midwest. That's why I want to go back there so badly. It's important for me to have a mature partner because I'm an old soul and wisdom goes a long way for me. Its hard to accept that it will be a long time until I find someone who is a good pairing with my personality since the boys my age will need time to mature. 

What I Really Want

This may look shallow but I really need to write down what I need in a relationship. This is by no means a hard and fast checklist for potential boyfriends. I recognize that nobody will have every item on this list and I may be swept off of my feet by someone completely opposite of what I was looking for, and that is okay. For now, I want to keep my thoughts organized on the subject and this is how I want to do it.

  • Mature
  • Have more common sense than I do
  • Takes control and wears the pants (or at least tries to!)
  • Playful
  • Laughter isn't forced
  • Cuddly
  • Listens to me and cares about what I have to say
  • Respectful


So lately everything in my life has been pretty meh. I feel like I'm letting things fall through the cracks because I don't have the energy to put into every facet of my life. I have a hard time with all of the different directions I feel like I'm being pulled in. On one hand, I have prom coming up in a month and I really need to be on my healthiest behavior for my dress. On the other, I have all of the pressures of high school and doing my best in classes. I've blogged about "not doing things that are bad for me", but I really haven't followed that as well as I wish I had.

From now on, I am going to really put my effort into my health. When I grow up, my high school grades aren't going to be what counts. I need to make my health my priority because that is what is going to follow me throughout my life. I really feel like making my habits healthy ones is super important, especially being as young as I am. I'm at the best time of my life to become the healthiest I will ever be and create the lifestyle that will keep me healthy throughout my life.

Hold me accountable people! Feel free to ask me about my progress and call me out on my failure if I don't follow through.

Adios amigos!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Over spring break, I've become rather obsessed with the reality TV show Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I've done two seasons in one day and I can't stop! I don't really know what their appeal is, especially since they have a lot of bickering as a part of their daily communication. One thing that I really like is seeing the sisters goof off by shoving each other and joking around because it reminds me of how my mom and I are together. My goal is to finish all of the episodes of the show on Netflix by the end of spring break. 

Wish me luck!

UC Santa Cruz

So I toured University of California Santa Cruz which is about 45 minutes away from where I live now. I'd heard stuff about UCSC and people didn't like it all that much compared to the other UC's. I hate California and before I went to UCSC I couldn't imagine staying in CA for any longer than I absolutely had to. I seriously fell in love with the campus. It's so full of trees and hilly and beautiful. ITS JUST LIKE CAMP!!! I never in a million years thought I'd like anything about CA but I can't get enough of UCSC. Unfortunately UCSC doesn't have a single major or academic path for me to take there, but I just cannot believe how much I loved it.

Changing Habits

We all have our crappy habits. I used to bite my nails, procrastinate, etc. Lately I've been feeling like I'm changing as a person in a way that I really like. For example, I really feel like I've been able to let go of my school related anxieties. AP Biology is by far my most difficult class and some days it feels impossible to get the grade I want. This semester is increasingly more difficult in terms of the content of the class and it has made me realize that I might not get an A this semester. I had this same fear last semester, but this time around it really feels like I cannot achieve the A while still keeping my sanity. I've come to the conclusion that this year, I will get my first B on my report card. If you knew me last year, you'd be absolutely shocked by my new-found approach to my schoolwork. I've decided to look at my entire situation and reevaluate my priorities. My happiness is my new priority. While school still is highly important to me, it should not rule my life in a way that gives me anxiety every single night about whether or not I will be good enough or smart enough for the life I want to live. I want to remember high school as a happy time in my life. And this is where I will start

As of tomorrow, I don't want to do anything bad to my body. I won't be eating my nightly nutella (yes, I have a spoonful every other night), I'll go for a walk every day, I won't stay up so late. My excuse as to why I do such horrible things for my health is always the same, "I'm a teenager so I can be stupid and it'll be okay." But in all honesty, it won't be okay. Your teenage years are the most important in forming your lifelong habits. I don't want to be sedentary, I want to be an active and happy person. These are the times that I need to be vigilant in my actions. While I won't go so far as to hinder my life as a young adult, I will make conscious choices that will better my mind and my body.

This is kind of like a New Year's Resolution, but in April. I'm cool with it. When a change must be made, there is no time to waste.

Ta-ta for now!

Living Somewhere New

As a girl who has traveled the world, I can tell you where I’m meant to be. I don’t need to travel any more to find out where I know I belong. But lately I’ve been considering new places. Tumblr is full of these pictures of gorgeous places and ideas about traveling. It never appealed to me to take a gap year and “find out who I really am” via globetrotting. I think it might be the Army BRAT in me but I want to live places. I want to try living on the Carolina coastline. Or maybe Alabama might be a cool place to be for a few years. I know for college I want to go back to the midwest because that is where home and my heart is. But who knows. As of this week, I’ve been fantasizing about working at a nursing home in North Carolina and living in a small house near the beach. I picture the kind of life where you wear your monogram jewelry and pearls no matter what the occasion. One where you take a book and a lawn chair to the beach and stay as long as you like. I just went to Santa Cruz last weekend and I saw how happy everyone was even though it was winter. The ocean just gets to you and I want it to get to me.



So I started this blog with a goal in mind. My goal is to take everything that is going on in my head and to be able to put it down on paper. This is no easy task. Like every normal teenager, my mind is a giant pile of thoughts and feelings that I feel need to be sorted out. Through this process, I hope to become a better writer, thinker, and person overall.

For anyone who doesn’t know me and has decided to grace my blog with their presence, thank you! Somehow I want to show you who I am, what I value, and how I grow. To begin, I think we should get to know each other just a tad bit more. I’m 17, I live in California but I am from Wisconsin. I think I’m a true midwest girl with a streak of west coast in my personality. There’s days when I hate California and moments when I love it. Don’t think this is some magical place where everything is great, that is not the case. California has presented me with innumerable challenges and has changed who I am in a way that I’m not a fan of. I’m working on fighting back though. You may see me post about how horrible this place has been to me, but you may also see glimpses of hope in my writing when I can see that California isn’t so bad. I want to turn the story around and make this place great for me, but it will take some time. I will get there though :)
I also think a lot of thinking goes on in my mind (what a surprise!) I daydream all the time and sometimes I find peace in my thoughts. There’s often times when I make a realization about what I want versus what I need and it makes me feel wonderful. But when I don’t write down what comes to me, how will I apply it in my life? That’s another thing that this blog is for. I want to track my thoughts and find out who I am through them.

That’s all for now, but I will leave you with this gorgeous picture of how I spent my weekend. 
