
Changing Habits

We all have our crappy habits. I used to bite my nails, procrastinate, etc. Lately I've been feeling like I'm changing as a person in a way that I really like. For example, I really feel like I've been able to let go of my school related anxieties. AP Biology is by far my most difficult class and some days it feels impossible to get the grade I want. This semester is increasingly more difficult in terms of the content of the class and it has made me realize that I might not get an A this semester. I had this same fear last semester, but this time around it really feels like I cannot achieve the A while still keeping my sanity. I've come to the conclusion that this year, I will get my first B on my report card. If you knew me last year, you'd be absolutely shocked by my new-found approach to my schoolwork. I've decided to look at my entire situation and reevaluate my priorities. My happiness is my new priority. While school still is highly important to me, it should not rule my life in a way that gives me anxiety every single night about whether or not I will be good enough or smart enough for the life I want to live. I want to remember high school as a happy time in my life. And this is where I will start

As of tomorrow, I don't want to do anything bad to my body. I won't be eating my nightly nutella (yes, I have a spoonful every other night), I'll go for a walk every day, I won't stay up so late. My excuse as to why I do such horrible things for my health is always the same, "I'm a teenager so I can be stupid and it'll be okay." But in all honesty, it won't be okay. Your teenage years are the most important in forming your lifelong habits. I don't want to be sedentary, I want to be an active and happy person. These are the times that I need to be vigilant in my actions. While I won't go so far as to hinder my life as a young adult, I will make conscious choices that will better my mind and my body.

This is kind of like a New Year's Resolution, but in April. I'm cool with it. When a change must be made, there is no time to waste.

Ta-ta for now!

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